Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

OnQ’s Call Center was designed to provide patients with the highest levels of customer service. We treat your patients like family.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Born out of our unique experience as healthcare executives, we built the call center to elevate the patient experience.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Our teams of dedicated call center agents expertly focus on service while taking patient calls to:

Answer questions about statements or EOB’s

Improve the patients understanding of their bill and physician’s role

Provide patient education or instructions for customer programs or initiatives

Assist with scheduling

Inbound/outbound calls

Process payments

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional


Reduced operational costs

Quality experience for patients

Customized Reporting

Comprehensive QA Capabilities

Exceptional Account Management

Personalized performance metrics tracking

Extensive training programs including the medical billing cycle, HIPAA, billing systems, customer service, and client corporate culture and protocols

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Extensive Training

Regardless of a new employee’s experience or background, each candidate completes OnQ’s extensive training program to ensure the highest level of service is combined with an expert understanding of the US healthcare system and medical billing.